OTHER PROGRAMS: I have written several other quality shareware utilities and games. They are described below, along with the price for each; price does not include disk or postage. To get all the latest versions to try out for yourself, send a formatted disk with a self addressed stamped return envelope, or send $5 and I will supply the disk and pay postage. GAMES: Escape! - Escape is a simple strategy game that’s mind-bogglingly similar to an old computer game called Daleks, though there’s lots more goodies in this game! Control a guy as he runs around mazes trying to collect gems, weapons, mines and the occasional extra life, finding tunnels to pass through; while stupid, but persistent, robots attempt to smoosh him. Simple, but addictive as all-get-out. ($10) ColorFall - A simple, yet very fun and addictive, new game! Blocks of 4 colors (or patterns for B&W) drop down; you position and rotate them where you want them and let ’em drop! Try to get 4 or more in a row down, across, diagonally or in a block... But that’s not all! Random things happen during play to either help or hinder your progress, such as a falling weight, a bomb and other strange things! Try it! ($10) SideMinder! - SideMinder! is a challenging game played against the computer. Your mission is to place 3D game pieces on the board, matching as many sides as you can. The more sides you match, the higher the score! Many different options are available, such as various playing boards, tournament mode, rotating pieces, number of colors (or patterns for B&W), and level of difficulty! Try it, you won’t be disappointed! (1.02 fixes a Scoring bug and adds new game boards!) I take no responsibility for time or sleep lost due to the habit forming effects of this game! ($10) PRODUCTIVITY: ScrapIt Pro - Apple's Scrapbook, Note Pad and SimpleText are wonderful utilities - now check out their big brother! New Features in version 4.2: * Now fully supports QuickTime with the standard movie controller bar! * Fully supports scrap file aliases (keep aliases of all your scrap files in the ScrapIt Folder for instant access to any file by selecting an item from the Scraps pop-up menu) * added a slide show option * allowed more text to be selected for speaking * fixed the option-click rearrange bug * speeded up startup * fixed the picture selection problem (it wouldn't allow you to copy larger portions of pictures without complaining) * Thumbnails now work perfectly for all earlier Macs (512ke, Plus, Classic, etc.) * Works great on all PowerMacs * Also, credit cards (VISA & MasterCard) are now accepted for registration via FAX, email or standard mail. Here's what some people are saying about ScrapIt Pro: "ScrapIt Pro is to the Scrapbook Desk Accessory what a Power Macintosh is to an original 128K Mac. Not too many people use the original Mac, so why do we continue to use the Scrapbook?" - George Louie (eWorld Senior Sysop, ZiffNet/Mac) "...ScrapIt Pro is one of the best shareware packages available, and at $15 it is a steal." - Norman Tiffany (SPUG Newsletter) "ScrapIt Pro has gone beyond its original purposes and become a mini text processor as well. I used it to write this article." - Lorne Walton (Apples BC News) ScrapIt Pro also received honorable mention in the The1995 MacUser Shareware Awards (honoring the 30 best Mac shareware products of the year). ScrapIt Pro was also very favorably reviewed with several other Scrapbook utilities (most commercial) in an article by David Pogue in the September 1995 Macworld. His one complaint (better QuickTime movie support) was fixed in this new version! Special Features: * Multiple file support (open up to twenty scrap files at the same time, depending on memory) * saves scrap item names when cutting & pasting * each file can have its own window color and sorting options * item type priority setting for PICT,TEXT, sounds and movies * word and character count for text items * Speech Manager support If you have the speech manager installed, have ScrapIt Pro speak the text in any text item! * Drag & Drop support If you have the Drag manager installed, drag PICT, Sound, TEXT, QuickTime Movie or Paint files to the ScrapIt window. Drag items between scrap file windows or any other applications that support Drag & Drop. * Sound recording If you have the ability to record sound, use ScrapIt to record and store any sounds. * Balloon help for System 7 users. * Customize the list size, font and font size. * View menu for available windows * Lasso tool for picture selection * Files pop-up menu in each window * View the data of any scrap item in hexadecimal form (great for programmers!) ScrapIt Pro is a simple to use yet powerful storage and cataloging utility which will allow you to archive and retrieve anything you can copy to the clipboard, import or drag & drop; sounds, PICTures, Text, QuickTime movies, and lots more.... all accessable at the click of a mouse! You can print thumbnail pictures or text lists of all items in any Scrap file. You can quickly and easily search through all the text items or item names of a scrap file to find what you're looking for. It can also be used it as a mini-word processor and database; create new or edit any text items, change fonts, style, size and color! ScrapIt Pro can play sounds or QuickTime movies; it can view all of a large PICTure by scrolling or shrinking the image to fit in the window; it can select and copy portions of PICT or Text items... and lots more! Some suggested uses are: Store frequently used clipart, email, letterhead text or graphics, sounds, create different files to store different catagories of data, instantly accessible at the click of a mouse! Keep your favorite recipes in one file, quickly create and store notes, and so much more! ScrapIt Pro will open any Apple Scrapbook, SmartScrap, ScrapIt Pro, ScrapIt ][ or MultiScrap file. TakeABreak - This control panel will remind you to take a break from the computer once in a while... You can have it remind you after a selected time period (every 30 minutes, every 2 hours, whatever you choose) by playing any installed Sound, showing a window, and/or playing a QuickTime™ movie! This is a “must have” utility if you spend over 20 minutes at a time on the computer. ($5) Font DA - Ever wondered how to type a certain character from a certain font that you need? Well, wonder no more with this handy utility! Much better than KeyCaps DA! This DA allows you to view every character (in any size, font and style you select) of any installed font, and will also show what exact keystrokes are needed to type the character! You can also print these handy tables for quick reference. ($5)